Oare ce se poate ascunde dupa acel zimbet dragut sau chiar dupa o privire aparent nevinovata?Mereu m-au intrigat expresiile si chiar micro-expresiile faciale ce dureaza doar citeva secunde insa ascund atitea ginduri.In ultimul timp m-am ocupat cu studierea lor:minciuna ,psihologia umana si micro-expresiile ...Cine daca nu chiar noi nu ne-am da de gol cind mintim:respiratie grabita,dilatarea pupilelor,explicatii ce nu sunt necesare.Insa sunt oameni ce-si ascund sentimentele ,emotiile cu atita usurinta,incit nici cel mai bun expert nu-i poate ghici gindurile.Totusi mintea umana ramine o stiinta inca nedescoperita...
Fashion,fashion,fashion....oriunde te-ai intoarce vezi doar fashion.
Lumea se invirte in jurul tendintelor,iar noi nu putem sa raminem in urma.
Cea mai potrivita la aceasta rubrica este Victoria Beckham, as putea spune chiar sotii Beckham,pentru ca nici David nu ramine in urma...
Iar pentru noi ,muritoarele de rind ,ce nu-si pot permite haine ca la regina Posh,o lista cu haine ce cred ca orice fashionista trebuie sa le aiba si nu se demodeaza niciodata...
1.geaca de piele
4.camasa alba
5.esarfe colorate
6.balerini/pantofi cu toc negri
o seara energica :D
Odata cu Anul Nou a disparut parca si farmecul iernii si, cum vacanta este pe sfirsite ,singura noastra animatie a ramas ...Gheata :D calare pe ''scaturi'' si la valeeee...saniuta ,abandonata, ne privea geloasa intr-un colt :)
Risul nostru cuprindea toata padurea,iar frigul nu deranja pe nimeni...
O seara energica ...
Risul nostru cuprindea toata padurea,iar frigul nu deranja pe nimeni...
O seara energica ...
Goodbye 2010
This year was an interesting one. I made some of the best friends & met some wonderful people. I found out which few people really were true friends & those who weren’t. I realized what sort of people I wanted to associate myself with & found out who I really was.
So many things happened in the tiny space of a year. I feel as though each year gets a little shorter as we get a little older.
2010 was a great year with so many ups & only a few downs, but 2011 will be so much better, I think... I’ll make sure of that!
Tonight I spent well the new year with my sweeeet cousin, Valeria :) We drank champagne and poured down but "nu`i niiiica, glavna sanatate s shie". So, we have a good time, don`t want to write everything we did `cause I'm tireeed but the most important is that everything is goood, and we n`am intrat in butilca ca sa nu putem iesi :))
So...happy new year, again... I don`t anymore resist, my eyes are closing and iiiii go to sleep on a few hours :)
So many things happened in the tiny space of a year. I feel as though each year gets a little shorter as we get a little older.
2010 was a great year with so many ups & only a few downs, but 2011 will be so much better, I think... I’ll make sure of that!
Tonight I spent well the new year with my sweeeet cousin, Valeria :) We drank champagne and poured down but "nu`i niiiica, glavna sanatate s shie". So, we have a good time, don`t want to write everything we did `cause I'm tireeed but the most important is that everything is goood, and we n`am intrat in butilca ca sa nu putem iesi :))
So...happy new year, again... I don`t anymore resist, my eyes are closing and iiiii go to sleep on a few hours :)
weeell, all the best for you :*
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